We had some friends over for a small Halloween party. We had a lot of little boys running around playing war, pirates, super heros-- you name it. The babies had a dance party by themselves. The kids made a really cute craft and the adults ate and visited. It was lots of fun to have everyone over.
We sold 100 and just kept 1. Anita and Roger and our dalmatian. |
Baby dance party!! |
Poor Kyle had surgery the day before and was totally drugged up and out of it. So glad he could come anyway. |
He plays the part perfectly! |
Guests: Ben and Chelsee Hunt (Clark Kent & Lois Lane- with Calvin and Hobbes), Kendyl with Teenage mutant ninja turtle and a lion, Kyle and Shadolyn Johnston (Thor and Wonder Woman with ironman and superman), Jacob and Sunny Hyatt (Flinn Ryder with Rapunzel and Pascal), Dave and Katy Monson (Paleontologist and Dinosaur), Roy Bryant and boys (pirates).