Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Hallowgiving!

Here is my Halloween/Thanksgiving summary!

Halloween was great this year. My niece and nephew were down here (and Heather and Jeff... we love that you guys came too) for the week and it's so much fun to have excited kids to celebrate holidays with. Peyton is one entertaining girl! Never a dull moment. She is so into singing and being center stage we're always laughing. She makes up songs on the spot with actions and everything. Chase likes it because he would rather not be in the spotlight. We didn't dress up (boring!!! one year we'll be cool), but we did carve pumpkins with everyone. Coby's was awesome! Always a crowd favorite!

Halloween pictures! (I'm updating at work... I've got nothing to work with)

Thanksgiving was fun too. We were able to spend time with both families and it ended up working out really well. I didn't take one picture though... not one! We spent the morning with Coby's family on his mom's side. I didn't eat much because I knew we were going to go to my parent's for dinner too and I wouldn't be able to fit it all in. Coby was happy with first... seconds... and thirds at my parents. (there could have been fourths in there... not sure) At my house we ate with my grandparents and Uncle Mark, my parents, Tiffany, and her friend. It was much more quiet, but was a nice dinner to think of all we have to be thankful for.

The next day, we went to have lunch at a park with all of Coby's cousins and family that was in town again. Left over Thanksgiving turkey on sandwiches was super yummy and there was always some type of game going on: football, softball, frisbee... you name it. We had a lot of fun seeing all the Hubbard family.

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