I wrote this post last week on my photo blog to talk about an experience I had with my friend/more like a sister.
Please read it first

Chelsee is such an incredible singer. Her friend Kristen was in the room too. Kristen and Chelsee have their own singing group called Kindred, and they sing the most beautiful duets. Every once in a while, Chelsee would start to panic and wouldn't be able to breath very well. For her the only way to calm down was to sing. Hearing Kristen and Chels sing these beautiful songs in harmony was so calming. It was the best part of this whole hard night that this family had to go through. One of my favorite parts was when Chels asked Kristen to sing "Better Than A Hallelujah" by Amy Grant. Personally, the Kristen Sanders version is much better than the Amy Grant version. This song was so powerful and took a whole 5 seconds before I had tears pouring down my face. There was such a sweet spirit in that room and it was calm.
I don't want to forget Chelsee's sweet mom and how she would always say the right thing to help her. She was so strong and so calm. I think she kept everyone calm that night.
I don't want to forget how Chels sang "You Are My Sunshine" as she rocked her baby boy in her arms or how Ben kissed his little boy on the head.
It was a powerful night. The spirit was there and it has been amazing watching Chelsee come out of this trial. She has a little boy that will always be watching over her.
***I mentioned it in the post on the other blog, but I haven't really talked about it much here. I will now be posting about our journey (I hate to use that word. I feel like that's the only word the Bachelor and Bachelorette's use on the show, but I can't come up with anything else at the moment) with infertility in the mix of our fun and happy life. I have read a blog for a while about infertility and it helps knowing you aren't the only one out there going through this and there are people that know how you feel. I am now linked to that blog for others to come here and not feel alone. They can read on here and relate to some of the gut wrenching feelings you go through. It has taken me awhile to want to post anything, but when it was brought up to post for this blog, it felt right. The good, the bad, the ugly... and I'll try not to offend too many people while I'm at it. haha***
I was going to say on your photoblog but it wouldnt let me comment for some reason.... I had no idea any of that stuff you had gone through. I never would have guessed you had fertility problems because you have never mentioned it. I am glad you have a friend to talk to like Chelsee that can help you through it :)
If the purpose of a picture is to evoke some emotion, this should win awards. Not even knowing Chelsee, only the situation, and it would evoke the strongest of solemn feelings.
And I am so excited for you. You'll be so glad to have a record of this time. It is both scary and exciting and I know it will be an important step towards starting your family. I'll pray for twins! ;)
Yay! I am so glad you are writing out your experiences! I of course will be reading every bit of it- you are amazing and will be such a good mommy! You know I am here to talk any time you need. :)
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