Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Welcome Home Sister Madsen!!!

Coby's youngest sister Bree came home from her mission the same day as Coby's surgery (good planning right?).  After the surgery I took him to his parent's house (there was no way I was getting a 6'6" man who was dizzy and on lots of pain meds up 2 flights of apartment stairs).  The bishop's wife who lives a couple doors down said she'd check on him while we went to pick her up from the airport.  

She was scheduled to get in a bit early so we all hurried down there only to wait... forever!  She was supposed to be in at 1:45.  All the screens said she was here, but we never saw her come out.  So we waited.  And waited.  Waited some more.

Coby's dad told us how he missed one of his flights when he came home and didn't think to call his family, but we all knew that wasn't the case.  We stood here for over an hour.  ...waiting.

(Right pic: Sisters yes, twins no.  They are 14 months apart.  Now just try to guess which one is older.)

This was after running around and the excitement of the airport wore off.  The kids were so tired of waiting

Dad went down to see if she was at baggage claim and while he was gone Bree comes running up yelling "Surprise"!  The sign was down, no one was paying attention, not the greatest welcome home.  Another missionary she flew with was from Mexico and needed help to get to her connecting flight so she had gone to take her over to her other flight, then went down and got her luggage.  We had to call dad back up to come see her.  

We are so glad Bree is home and that she was able to serve the people in California.  WELCOME HOME BREE!!!

1 comment:

Heather Jeppsen said...

Welcome home Bree! Boy do those little girls took like twins. Holy cow. I haven't seen the younger one since she was a baby.