Thursday, January 3, 2013

I do my best thinking and can put words together best in the middle of the night.  I had a great post planned worded perfectly at about 2 in the morning and now I can't think of any great way to word much of anything.

I was nursing Beckham last night and he was falling asleep as I was patting his little bum in his monkey footed jammies and I can't believe how big he has already gotten.  It catches me off guard every time I look at pictures from when he was born.  It was not that long ago and it's already hard for me to remember him that little!  How do they double in size so fast?!  I love that he fits perfectly across my arms.  This past week, in the morning when he's done eating, he looks up at me and just talks and talks.  His facial expressions make it seem like he is telling me some important story; I like to think he's telling me all about a good dream he had.  It's one of my favorite times of the day.  Sometimes I feel like these little babies understand a lot more then we realize; they just can't tell us.

Then I had an image come into my head that one day he'll be a teenager and very soon won't lay across my lap and I won't be able to pat him on the bum and I'm not so sure I'm ok with that quite  yet.
I say bah humbug to that idea.


Traci said...

so true! It is so hard to see them grow up so fast!!! I love watching Harley learn and grow, but I want it to slow down so badly!! Those are adorable pictures of B!!

Anonymous said...

He is seriously perfect. I can't say it enough!

I don't like the teenager thought either :(
