Thursday, November 10, 2011

September=Softball Fail

I figure the only way I'm going to get back into this is to go one step at a time. I hate that! I hate getting so behind that you are too overwhelmed to blog anything because you know how long it will take to catch up. Is it really that big of a deal to cause stress? No sir, but you know it's bad when your husband keeps telling you that you really need to get the blog updated.

Ok, September. Coby was playing softball (his family's city softball league), was trying to impress me with his skills by diving for a ball (ok, so maybe not exactly that), hit the ground wrong, his elbow caught and threw his shoulder out of joint. He is screaming on the ground while his dad tries to put his shoulder back in place (after seeing my dad do it before to Coby's little brother).
Poor guy.

(side note: I was on lots of meds for fertility and had acquired the ability to cry at anything. I acted like his shoulder was no big deal and that he was fine... truth was I was trying to hold back bawling on the bleachers)

Little Rockie was kind enough to let sweaty Uncle Coby use her blanket as a sling since we didn't have anything else.

We went to Urgent Care that night to make sure it was back in place. They didn't have anyone who could do an x-ray and said to come back in the morning. In the morning we went to a different urgent care and the dr said, "you're lucky you got me and not some PA. Chances are you will get an x-ray and 50% of the time the person won't know how to read it. We are told to get as much money out of you as possible so then we could draw your blood for no reason too, but I'd suggest just going to the hospital and not wasting your time here." Awesome. Luckily Coby's brother Jaron has had every injury in the book and has had knee and shoulder surgery so we knew who to go to to get some help in the mean time. He let us use a very nice sling and his ice machine that he had from his knee surgery. We just rigged it for Coby's shoulder.

So we waited until we got approved for an MRI (a few weeks later), and found out that the ligament that keeps his shoulder in is torn 85% of the way, his socket is bruised and the bone is chipped. Surgery is a must. Problem is that Coby switched jobs, and our new insurance hasn't kicked in yet so come December we will be getting that scheduled.

Coby was so upset that he was out for the season that he would get grumpy and trash talk the other team... more than usual. Injuries are not fun!

1 comment:

Spoiled Eggs said...

That totally stinks! And I'm impressed you didn't start bawling. That's control! I can't wait for more updates.