Saturday, February 23, 2013

6 months

Not going to lie-- this little milestone has tugged at my heart a bit.  Coby sat down with Beckham about a week ago and had a heart to heart about how mom wasn't going to like him growing up and turning 6 months.  It's true it's true.  Although at the same time he is getting super fun now; bittersweet.

Mr. man has gone up 2 diaper sizes in the past month.  Size 2-size 4, he was sleeping through the night great until he got pretty sick for a couple weeks and it messed it all up.  Poor guy was having a hard time breathing all night he was so stuffy and congested and then wanted to comfort nurse.  We have been trying to get back to his old schedule and we have finally seen the light the past few days; we're not there yet, but almost.  We started him on solids at 5 months.  He was so hungry before bed and I couldn't keep up with nursing-- and someone decided they want nothing to do with a bottle.  Still.  He used to take one great (I think it's cause I used a shield), and now acts like he doesn't know what to do with a bottle.  I can get him to take a little bit of water out of a sippy, but he won't just drink.  So we are still nursing, and he is now eating solids 3 times a day.  Bubs can put food down!  We did all vegetables last month, no fruit, and he loved it.  Carrotts are the only iffy one sometimes, but everything  else his mouth is constatnly open waiting for another bite.  Still loves bath time, loves sucking water out of the wash rag and chewing on a rubber ducky.  Loves to be outside--LOVES to be outside.  Super happy boy.  You can pretty much always get a smile or giggle out of him.  He gets super talkative in the afternoon.  When he wakes up in the morning he will usually sit and talk to himself for about 10 minutes before calling out.  Two days ago he started shaking his head.  It's pretty funny.  He started doing it while he was eating, but now it's random.  It's funny when we ask him a question and he'll follow up with a head shake like he knows what he's doing and answering.  He's getting good at sitting up on his own and will be a pro before long.  Getting a little bit clingy when people take him from me, although if I'm in site he is usually good with whoever.  He has rolled tummy to back, and back to tummy, but rarely will he connect the two.  We sure do love this boy -- I just wish it would slow down just a tad.


Traci said...

He looks like such a little sweetheart! Happy 6 months!!

Jana said...

love, love, cute.